Nirbhai (NEP) Singh Sidhu: A Journey Through Cultural Roots and Artistic Expression

In the world of artistic innovation, there exists a select group of individuals whose life stories become the canvas for their work, whose rich heritage serves as both inspiration and brushstroke. Nep Sidhu, an artist whose journey is as vibrant as his creations, seamlessly weaves a tapestry of cultural history and creative expression. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the thoughts and experiences that shape his artistry.

Unveiling the Tapestry of Upbringing

Growing up within the confines of a household that exuded a unique blend of tradition and sacrifice, Nep Sidhu was afforded a perspective that few can claim. He traces his lineage back to the valiant Ujagar Singh Sidhu, a distinguished figure stationed at the historic Jamrud Fort during 1936, later emerging as a prisoner of war in the midst of Adolf Hitler's camps. This lineage of resilience and commitment to community lay the groundwork for Sidhu's own path.

"It's about finding and carving out service to the community," he remarks, reflecting on the lessons imprinted upon him. From the heroic sacrifices of his grandfather to the tireless efforts of his mother and father, Sidhu witnessed a symphony of devotion that resonated with his very essence. The historical fabric spans the pivotal moments of the resilience of Sikh traditions, the protection and building of gurdwaras post-Partition, and the emotional weight of unloading the tragic aftermath of violence.

The Genesis of an Artist

"Why become an artist?" A question that draws out a glimpse into the inner workings of creative minds. Sidhu's artistic journey wasn't charted with a predetermined course but rather unwound as an organic necessity. The making of objects and an opportunity to expand the poetic whether through stone, fabric or stroke… simply a place to continue the soul of a community. His artistic evolution is a testament to the profound influence of Sikhi's core values of collaboration and interconnectedness. 

Sidhu's creative essence found resonance in collaborations with kindred spirits like Ishmael Butler and Kahil El’Zabar, whose journeys echoed the rhythm of endurance and innovation. Art, in Sidhu's world, is a portal to a Sikh Indigenous view that looks towards cultural patterns, in aesthetic practices, philosophical viewpoints, and ethical paradigms. It stands as an instrument to cultivate conversations, provoke reactions, and propel dialogues that shape society's discourse.

Through his creations, he invites us to delve into our roots, engage with diversity, and evolve as a collective whole. As we traverse his artistic practice, we find not only his story but echoes of our shared humanity.

Experience the Unseen, Express the Unheard.

The Pantheon of Inspiration

Drawing from his unique vantage point, Sidhu's wellspring of inspiration is as diverse as it is profound. His admiration extends to those who encapsulate life's essence in their creations, be it through art, music, or "sewa" – selfless service. Volunteers who embrace sewa resonate deeply with him, their relentless commitment echoing the uncelebrated aspects of his heritage. Artists within his collective Black Constellation such as Maikoiyo Alley-Barnes and Nicholas Galanin exemplify the confluence of creativity and longevity, a testament to the possibility of sustained artistic endeavors. 

In an era where artistic expression mirrors the pulse of society, Nep Sidhu transcends the conventional. His art is a voyage, a journey through time and culture, a bridge that connects a view to its people.

Nep’s latest installation ‘Unstruck Melody’ will be at the V&A South Kensington Saturday, 16 September 2023 – Sunday, 15 October 2023. Click here to learn more.